09. Yoga - Savasana - Relax your mind and body

You listen to the audio file ‘savasana’. Sava means a corpse in Sanskrift. In relaxation the body lies still as a corpse and the mind is at peace.
Lay down on the back on the floor with a blanket or a pillow under the head. Rest your arms slightly away from your body with the palms up. If you are unable to rest on the floor you can sit on a chair with the palms resting on the thighs allowing you to lift the spine up.
Close your eyes and turn the gaze inward and downward
Relax the eyelids – relax the cheeks – relax the jaws – swallow once allowing the tongue to rest in the mouth
Relax the neck
Relax the arms
Relax the right arm – relax the left arm
Relax the stomach – let the stomach sink against the spine – relax the entire stomach
Relax the legs – relax the right leg – relax the left leg – relax both legs
Relax the feet – relax the right food – relax the left food – relax both feet
Relax the entire body
Take a slow inhalation followed by a slow exhalation
If the mind wanders let go of your thoughts when you exhale and keep your attention on your body
Relax the entire body and allow the body to sink into the ground if you are laying on the floor
Let go of the tensions you may have
Keep the breathing normal. Make it quiet.
Stay quietly with normal breathings for some minutes now on your own
To come back to the present slightly move your arms and legs
Then slowly open your eyes.
If you lay down on the floor, bend your legs turn to the right side and stay there for a short while
When you are ready then get up

09. Yoga - Savasana - Relax your mind and body
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