Yet, many leaders can't find the time to reflect - they are too busy.
If you are one of them you can use this mini-podcast with short audio-reflections when you are on the move.
Morning reflection - Between meetings - On the way home - During weekends - and of course you get Yoga & Breathing exercises to relax.
First Episodes
01. Morning reflection
Good morning and welcome to reflection on the go. This is your morning reflection, and you can use it at home to make a good start of your day, or you can use it at wo...

02. Reflection between meetings - Be deliberate calm when you want
Reflection between meetings. Be deliberate calm when you want This is where you get concrete help to reflect between your meetings during the day. Being able to switch...

03. Reflection between meetings - Enter your meeting with curiosity and overview
Reflection Between Meetings: Enter the meeting with curiosity and overview This where you get concrete help to reflect between your meetings during the day.I invite yo...

04. Fast reflection between meetings: Enter your next meeting with curiosity and overview
Between meetings - Fast reflection: Start your next meeting well - with curiosity and overview Welcome to reflection on the go with 3 quick questions for entering your...

05. Reflection between Meetings - Prepare for the difficult conversation
Between meetings: Prepare for the difficult conversation Difficult conversations worry many people. You do not know the outcome of the conversation, and chances that y...