10.05 Breathing - The inhalation is interrupted and the exhalation is deep (Viloma pranayama Stage I)

Viloma pranayama Stage I

You listen to the audio file ‘Viloma pranayama Stage I’.

In ‘Viloma pranayama stage I’, the inhalation is interrupted and the exhalation is deep. Before you start the breathing exercise, lie flat down on a yoga mat with a blanket under the head like in savasana or with two blankets folded each to support the back and the head. The folded blankets expand the chest and ease the breathing.

Once you lie comfortable, close your eyes and let the gaze be directed inwards and downwards.
Swallow once to allow the tongue to rest in the mouth
Pull the chin in so you make a chin lock without collapsing in the chest
Relax the fascial muscles
Take a normal inhalation followed by a normal exhalation.
When you inhale, feel the expansion of the chest upwards and outwards
When you exhale feel how the body melt into the yoga mat without collapsing in the chest
So a normal inhalation followed by a normal exhalation
One more last time a slow and even inhalation followed by a slow and even exhalation until the lungs are empty and the chest settles

Now ‘Viloma pranayama stage I´ starts
Take a slow, deep inhalation from the bottom of the stomach up to the navel – pause and hold the breath for a few seconds – inhale up to the middle of the chest – pause and hold the breath for a few seconds – inhale all the way up to the collarbones until the lungs are full – pause and hold the breath for a few seconds
Exhale slowly and deeply until the lungs are emptied
During retention of breath keep the chest lifted without inflating the abdomen or putting any tension on brain
After each exhalation relax the head, the chest and diaphragm before starting a new inhalation
Take a slow, deep inhalation from the bottom of the stomach up to the navel – pause and hold the breath for a few seconds – inhale up to the middle of the chest – pause and hold the breath for a few seconds – inhale all the way up to the collarbones until the lungs are full – pause and hold the breath for a few seconds
Exhale slowly and deeply until the lungs are emptied

Repeat the cycle of a slow, deep and interrupted inhalation followed by a slow, deep exhalation in your own pace. If you feel short of breath return to normal inhalations and exhalations like in ujjayi pranayama I before you continue with a deep, interrupted inhalation followed by a deep exhalation. When you do ‘Viloma pranayama stage I´ stay quit and do not allow the breath to shake the body. Now continue with ‘Viloma pranayama stage I´ on your own 6 or more times – then return to normal inhalations and exhalations.

When you have completed ‘Viloma pranayama Stage I´, you can either continue with ‘Viloma pranayama stage II´ or roll the body to the right side, open your eyes and come slowly up

I wish you a wonderful day with a relaxed mind and body.

10.05 Breathing - The inhalation is interrupted and the exhalation is deep (Viloma pranayama Stage I)
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